Friday, January 29, 2010

Happy 25th Birthday CSE

Computer Science and Engineering Department is marking its 25th Aniversary on tomorrow the 29th January 2010. The founder of te CSE department is Prof. A S Induruwa who was the first Head of the Deprtmnt.

At the time i was entering to the University of Moratuwa it accomadated 50 students per batch and now its grown up to 100 students per batch. Our depatment is making the best Computer Engineers to the world.

For more information you can visit to our CSE home page here.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

2009 Winter Holiday

More than 8000 Km
In 14 Days
Passing 10 Countries
(Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Vatican, France, Belgium, Netherlands)
some time in more than 160 Kmph speed..And Some days more than 1400 Km driving..

This is the briefing of how my last winter break spent.

The Stops on the way.

This is not a thing that im goign to do again ever in my life. :). But still it filled me up with thousands of experiance in driving and many types of cultures.

Very simple thing that i need to share is all the countires and all the people around the world are pretty much the same. When you get in to a city center in Paris or Milan, other than the temprature evrything else is same to colombo fort.

I just like to thank Sandun Dassanayake who invited me to join for this trip and also his car which took us all around this place with out making any problem. And the Navigator. I like to than the founder of navigator as well.

This is something that every one should try once in a life time. Not twice. :).

Cologne (Köln) city center. This is the shop which sells 4711 cologne, which is one of the first Eau de Cologne.

This was taken at Switzerland on the way to Italy. The country is sorrounded from a nice set of mountains.

The center of Vatican.

The Eiffel tower, in paris.